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The Second Letter to 13 Reasons Why

Dear season 2 of 13 Reasons Why, I don't even know why I watched the second season. Maybe it's because I don't like to leave things unfinished, that I can't leave something without knowing what happens. Like how I can't leave a book unread when I've gotten half way through even though it's so terrible you just want to stop. I don't even know why you had to make a second season at all. It wasn't needed, people had their closure, we "know" why Hannah killed her self. We had the answers she gave us. One thing that surprised me though, was the use of disclaimers at the ending of each show. Stating where people could find help, if it ever was needed. I'm glad you did this, after the outcry of people shunning the show after season one. I'm happy you listened to what people had to say and added this. This is where shit started to get real though. So if you're someone that doesn't like spoilers, or needs to know what happens on the show by watching it, please stop reading. This season deals with many real, big issues. Again, like season 1, I was hopeful of the outcomes. Would you do these issues justice? Or would you plummet again? Injustice is everywhere. I know you were probably trying to showcase that the world is often unfair. That the justice system is corrupt, that those with the most money are "untouchable". But how is that doing today's youth any favours? A boy gets away with rape! How is that meant to show girls, or boy, that's it is safe and okay for them to come forward and tell people what happens to them? What person is going to go to the police now, after seeing that on their screens? I know this is a fictional show, that I shouldn't be taking this so seriously. But if you are given the opportunity to do good in this world, you should do it. 13 Reasons, you are given the opportunity to help people. And I think in your hearts, this was the intention. To do good. But when you showcase the rich kid can buy his way out of jail for raping countless girls, that jocks and athletes are the 'gods' of the school and untouchable by the legal system, that the nerds are hopeless and get punished for standing up for themselves. This teaches children nothing. Absolutely nothing. What kid, after watching your show, is going to talk about their rape? When they've seen someone get away with it. What smart kid is going to stand up for themselves and others when they get abused in the most vile way possible and nothing is done to their abusers? What person is going to go to their parents when their bullies get away with it, that there is no justice. Your show had potential. You mention how kids should talk to teachers and parents, but you never show them doing it! Teenagers and children learn by example. Maybe show teenagers that it's safe to talk to their parents, that it's okay to go to a trusted adult or friend. That no mater the crime justice will be served. No matter who the abuser or criminal is. That wrongs will be righted. I know the world isn't fair; it's a dark and scary place. I may be the only person who feels this way after watching this season, but I need to say it. You had potential to talk about these real issues, but you let me down again. I feel for these characters, I really really do. I want what's best for them, but when you show injustice to them, what real person is going to stand up for themselves when their role models on the TV can't find justice?  

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